Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So, why does this have to happen to me every frikken summer with you? We're cursed, i swear! Maybe I will admit that somewhere deep deep deep down inside of me, It's me who starts everything. Aw fuck, who am i kidding. It is me. Last night I was told that me and an another individual are crazy bitches. Like, literally. As in CRAZY CRAZY. Crazy as in, mental patient crazy. I never thought I'd reach this level of insanity. I wish my upcoming vacation would be a never ending trip. But, people need to get back to their reality sooner or later, right? God, I need a life. And apparently, some HELP too. Trina, Yas, Patrick, Jaime, Styven, and Janelle. HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE!!!......which is ME.


1 comment:

KNJUNIO said...

you being crazy is why we LOVE you so much ...stay the same babygirl, or else who are we gonna go up to for those crazy funny ass jokes? (:
<3 Trina